Piezolution provides motorized precise positioning solutions for miniaturized environments, reliable and cost-effective. The core drive is our patented piezoelectric ultrasonic linear motors(PZMs). These are unique kinds of open and closed loop piezo actuators, intrinsically with no electro-magnetic interference(EMI).
You can find with ease your motion solutions with our piezoelectric linear motors. They are quick-responsive, highly accurate and very simple to control, be it the basic piezoelectric drives, focus-modules or micro-stages. For handheld devices and IoT Wearables, remotely controllable, motorized solution with a low power consumption is almost a must. As well for adaptive vision systems they are of great use.
Optionally, we support you in system design, position sensing, driver electronics and motion control. Together with you, we can interactively work on tailored solutions. Camera modules for smartphones, code scanners, medical devices, haptic devices, scientific instruments, robotics are just some of the potential applications.
We are both, passionate developer and stock-keeping custom manufacturer.
Together, we´ll find the piezo-driven solution for you.
Linear Motors
Driver Boards
Linear Stages
OEM Design